Deviant Art Tend to Form Subcultures

With the advent of the new technology comes a whole bunch of new art sharing options. One of these is the website “Deviant Art.” This site has created a whole new era in artistic cultural exchange. People are encouraged to draw whatever they wan, without censorship or judgment, and share it with each other.

As a result, those on Deviant Art tend to form subcultures. These are often very varied in form. For example, those who are interested in drawing combinations of people and animals might form a group and all share art with each other.

Additionally, those who are interested in drawing in different styles might form groups as well. Anime, noir, or even something more specific like “Simpson’s Style art” might be seen on deviant art groups. The benefit here is that, not only can you find other people who might be interested in your type of art; you can also find support and encouragement.

It can be difficult to start out as an artist. It can also be difficult to find support groups available in your particular location on earth. But with sites like Deviant Art, it becomes considerably easier. You can find people interested in exactly the same type of art as you, who love to help people interested in the same art and encourage them forward in that pursuit in general.

Sites such as deviant art and places like it also have other benefits. For example, Deviant art can be a great place to promote and try to sell your art. There are controls on the site that allow you to do exactly this in an easy way where Deviant Art takes a small cut of the profits. You can do commissions this way as well. If you’ve made a name for your self on the site by doing art pieces that other people enjoy, you could get a lot of followers.

You can then tell these followers that you’re willing to do commissions of anything, or of a particular type. This can be a way for starving artists to pay the bills and keep going forward in their endeavors.


Social art sites like Deviant Art are also a place where people can promote their particular campaigns. By doing art regularly and getting a following, you have power to promote anything to your followers. This will be a lot more effective, of course, if you promote something that they would be interested in, like anime to an anime account on DA.


In the end, Deviant Art is a great way to learn and grow as an artist. There’s no better way to do this tan around other people who are attempting the same things as you, and who can give you advice on how to not only become more talented in a particular art subject or style, but also on how to promote yourself and break into the art world. This is a unique opportunity that many have used to rocket themselves to online stardom.

One Comment on “Deviant Art Tend to Form Subcultures”

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